Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I must... I must... I must increase my... entries!

I don't know why I haven't written in a month. Plenty has happened; my journal is FULL of stuff. But things for public consumption, even by the two people who read this ... that, well, THAT I'm having trouble with.

Not that I don't want to share. I do. It's just that day-to-day my life is meh. Taken over a series of weeks, interesting things do happen, but they are the exception and not the norm. And yes, I realize that I am slightly depressed because I'm unemployed and/or unpublished. Plenty of books/manuscripts lying around this place. Some of them suck; some are good; some are really good and are book-worthy, but just getting an editor to look at my stuff is difficult. It's almost impossible to get a foot in the door, but this is the career I want, so I must suck it up and soldier on.

I didn't make New Year's resolutions this year, partly because I don't believe in them, and partly because they set unrealistic expectations in me... but this year I plan to get in shape. Not necessarily drop pounds, although I do want to do that, but really get healthy. It just occurred to me, belatedly, that I have ONE body that is almost 45 years old. I haven't treated it very well. I haven't given it proper nutrition and exercise. No wonder I feel puny all the time. I exist at a subsistence level, never rising to optimum health.

So, to that end, I joined Weight Watchers and am LOVING their online tracking tools. Those are the BEST for tracking every single thing that goes into my mouth. It's about 1500 calories a day, which I can do easily, so I just have to start getting the RIGHT 1500 calories: more fruits and veggies. I also start Pilates tomorrow; the kind on the machines. It's kind of expensive, but I look at it as an investment. I hope my Scrooge-like ALLOWANCE will cover it.

I found it easier to do this for myself instead of doing it for the rendezvous I have planned for after I am divorced. An old college flame and I plan to spend a weekend together, having some fun. Since we are both middle-aged, there are lots of body issues on both sides. So we're both using this endless divorce drag-out time to get in shape. It's kind of fun to anticipate and I certainly don't want to be distracted by any part of my body during that weekend. I want to jump right in and have some FUN, FINALLY.

On that note, I'm going to find something to eat: something with few POINTS but that is filling. After all, I get weighed in two days and am not sure how that whole thing is going yet....

Stay tuned for more body issues posts, more anxiety about THE WEEKEND, and irritation about how long this divorce is taking.


Blogger theresa said...

Yeah! You posted! I just joined Weight Watchers, too. I'm not lovin' it...it should be easy, but cooking and feeding 8 while trying to do WW is blowing my mind. I've thought of the 2 seperate menu thing, but have neither the time nor inclination to do that. Well, we'll see how it goes! Good luck getting inshape for THE WEEKEND! I am thinking everything will be great...pilates or no...you already have a great connection. things like that just don't matter, though I get it about not wanting those issues to cloud your enjoyment. Anyway...keep posting. I'll keep reading!!!

January 27, 2009 at 12:53 PM  

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